Flashback: NASA employee Jim Hansen made $1+ million for outside climate work

Did James Hansen have government permission to profiteer from his climate work? Should Congressman Grijavla look into that?

E&E News PM reports:

A House Democrat is asking the Natural Resources Committee to probe a senior Interior Department employee’s connection to the conservative think tank Heartland Institute.

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) is asking the committee to investigate whether Indur Goklany — Interior’s assistant director of programs, science and technology policy — received or planned to receive a stipend from Chicago-based Heartland.

Budget and fundraising documents purportedly leaked last week from Heartland show the institute was planning to pay Goklany $1,000 a month this year to work on books aimed at refuting findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“We do not know whether Dr. Goklany received the money he was apparently promised by the Heartland Institute,” Grijalva in the letter to Chairman Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) and ranking member Ed Markey (D-Mass.). “Nor do we know whether other Interior Department employees have been offered, or accepted, similar arrangements with other organizations that seek to influence federal policy.”

Grijalva said the committee should also investigate whether Goklany provided Heartland with privileged information as part of his involvement with the think tank…

But NASA’s James Hansen made $1+ million according to records.

Click for “Democrat Congressman tries moving ‘Deniergate’ spotlight back to Heartland,”

2 thoughts on “Flashback: NASA employee Jim Hansen made $1+ million for outside climate work”

  1. Progressives. You gotta give them credit for trying. In their philosophy, lies and deception are an art to be admired. The truth? That’s for the other guy. LOL

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