7 thoughts on “Flashback: Climatologists predicted recent climate change accurately in 1979”

  1. Jek, “Let’s use them, now, even if dead. They seemed to be accurate, using tree rings. You can’t get climate fraud with tree rings, so I guess they went out of favor, with the Greens and other Comu-Globalists. But WE should use them, still.” – You sound completely bonkers. This is why alarmists do not take skeptics seriously.

  2. Let’s use them, now, even if dead. They seemed to be accurate, using tree rings. You can’t get climate fraud with tree rings, so I guess they went out of favor, with the Greens and other Comu-Globalists. But WE should use them, still.

  3. ” . . . a tree lays down a new ring each year from the rainwater, CARBON DIOXIDE and OTHER NUTRIENTS it absorbs during the course of that year.”

    Even back then, they knew Carbon Dioxide was basically . . . plant food. Plants absorb it and give back oxygen. The more CO2, the better. Grade school stuff.

  4. Leona Woods (1919–1986), later called Leona Woods Marshall and Leona Woods Marshall Libby, was an American physicist who helped build the first nuclear reactor and the first atomic bomb.


    The biggest threat to junk climate scientists are physicists.Envirodicks versus real scientists.

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