‘Extra’ rain in Australia, Brazil caused sea level to decline during 2010-2011

But the Jet propoulsion Laboratory’sJ Josh Willis looks ahead to continuing sea level rise.

The Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media reports:

“While the rise of the global ocean has been remarkably steady for most of this time, every once in a while, sea level rise hits a speed bump,” it continued. In 2011, “ it’s been more like a pothole” as global sea level fell by about a quarter of an inch, or half a centimeter between the summers of 2010 and 2011.”

“So what’s up with the down seas, and what does it mean?”…

Read the entire report.

One thought on “‘Extra’ rain in Australia, Brazil caused sea level to decline during 2010-2011”

  1. Never heard anyone say sea levels haven’t been going up since the last ice age.
    But now the sea level fell a bit becuase all the water is stacked up on Australia and the Amazon?
    “Mad as Batshit” as someone commented already on the link.
    Or….maybe … was previously sea level rise a bit quicker for a while because all the water ran off and left us in drought for about a decade?

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