Democrat Congressman Asks Heartland for ‘Deniergate’ Documents

“So that Members of Congress and the public can understand more fully the nature of The Heartland Institute’s efforts to influence public understanding of generally accepted scientific truth.”

Below is Rep. Ed Markey’s media release.

Click for Markey’s letter to Heartland.


February 24, 2012

Markey Asks Heartland for Climate Denial Documents

As Heartland Claims Forgeries, Congressman Asks Group to Produce Authentic Documents

WASHINGTON (February 24, 2012) – Documents from the right-wing think tank the Heartland Institute have revealed the group received large donations from corporations to discredit the mainstream science of climate change, including crafting a campaign to undermine the teaching of science at public schools.

Because Heartland has claimed that one of the key documents is a forgery, even though many facts contained in the document were verified by the Associated Press and others, Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) today wrote to the Heartland Institute to request original copies of the documents to assess Heartland’s efforts to influence science education and debate.

A copy of the letter can be found HERE.

“These documents appear to indicate that the Heartland Institute is receiving large donations from corporations for the direct purpose of discrediting the mainstream science of climate change and has planned to engage in a campaign to undermine the teaching of well-established science at our public schools,” writes Rep. Markey, who is the top Democrat on the Natural Resources Committee and a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee. “Given the openness you have about the Heartland Institute’s plan, I look forward to your timely response.”

6 thoughts on “Democrat Congressman Asks Heartland for ‘Deniergate’ Documents”

  1. It would be nice if Heartland would confirm if there have been any alterations. Since it’s out there, it doesn’t really matter, the damage has already been done.

    However, Markey is far overreaching his authority here. His accusations and implications rest solely on the document which has been publicly and widely denounced as fraudulent and he brings shame on his constituents for it.

  2. Malarky is a fool…as someone said at WUWT…how do you produce the authentic version of a totally fabricated document? All the documents appear to be authentic with the exception of the obviously fraudulent “Confidential Memo: 2012 Heartland Climate Strategy” which is where the proposal to keep teachers from teaching science originated.

  3. MEMO
    To: Rep. Markey
    From: Hartland Institute
    Re: Hartland internal documents

    None of your dog butt licking business.

    Have a nice day.

  4. If these documents appear to Congressman Markey “. . . to indicate that the Heartland Institute is receiving large donations from corporations for the direct purpose of discrediting the mainstream science of climate change and has planned to engage in a campaign to undermine the teaching of well-established science at our public schools,” then Congressman Markey is a jackass of the first magnitude.

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