CO2 Causes Contempt for Childhood – a climate well-worthy of our alarm

“We now know that ‘students’ has a very wide scope. It includes toddlers at nursery schools!”

Climate Lessons reports:

When children less than 6 years old are seen as ‘instruments’ ‘for the achievement of a sustainable society’ and that ‘we’ must make them ‘understand deeply, and even shock them out of their unawareness’, then something is seriously amiss; somebody somewhere is up to something we should resist. The quotes are from a UNESCO report recently reported on by Donna Laframboise…

We now know that ‘students’ has a very wide scope. It includes toddlers at nursery schools! The UN has a declaration on the rights of the child. Presumably it does not include the right to be protected from interfering busybodies and debate suppressors on the international conference gravy train.

Read the entire article.

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