Chevron snubs Ecuador on apology

Now if Chevron could only muster the courage to tell U.S enviros where to go and how to get there real fast.

The Latin American Herald Tribune reports:

U.S. oil supermajor Chevron Corp. refused to issue a public apology for pollution in Ecuador’s Amazon region before a court-imposed deadline, saying it is not responsible for toxic drilling waste that has spoiled ecosystems and harmed local communities’ health.

The refusal doubles the damages award to more than $18 billion in a long-running court battle pitting the company against plaintiffs representing some 30,000 Amazon peasants and Indians.

Chevron’s position merely demonstrates its “arrogance and high-handedness” in the face of a clear-cut verdict, plaintiffs’ attorney Pablo Fajardo said on Friday, referring to two court decisions handed down against the U.S. multinational in the northeastern Ecuadorian province of Sucumbios…

Read the entire report.

3 thoughts on “Chevron snubs Ecuador on apology”

  1. Wish I had seen this earlier. The money doesn’t go to the “peasant/Indian.” It goes to clean up Chevron’s mess, provide health care for the sick and provide clean drinking water.

  2. Oops, that’s $600,000. Even so, that’s more money than a peasant/Indian would see in a lifetime, and in the lifetimes of their grandchildren, etc.

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