Agenda 21: ‘Rio conference has some potential, but remains ill-defined’

Agenda 21 is the master mlan for extreme green-designed global governance.

Climatewire reports:

An upcoming environmental mega-conference marking the 20th anniversary of the groundbreaking Rio Earth Summit has “the potential to really change the world,” U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary David Sandalow said yesterday.

The U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development, otherwise known as Rio+20, is being billed as an opportunity for world leaders to address major environmental concerns without getting mired in the fractious politics that snarl global climate change negotiations.

Yet the summer conference in Brazil’s second-largest city has been beset by its own challenges, analysts said, including “meeting fatigue” and a still-unclear sense of what can be achieved.

Speaking at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars yesterday, experts described a conference of heads of state and top ministers as well as industry and environmental groups — which somehow must avoid the pitfalls of previous green gabfests.

“Nobody really knows what is going to happen at this conference,” said Robert Engelman, president of the Worldwatch Institute. “Governments don’t seem too excited about it, and there’s no real budget for it at the U.N…”

Click for the UN Agenda 21 site.

Click for Freedom Advocates’ “Understanding Sustainable Development — Agenda 21.”

One thought on “Agenda 21: ‘Rio conference has some potential, but remains ill-defined’”

  1. I’d hardly call anyone in the UN a “world leader”. The UN is the place where countries send the people that they don’t want in charge of anything.

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