Waxman: GOP lawmakers ‘act like terrorists’

They “hold.. hostages” too.

Politico reports,

… Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), one of five House Democrats on the conference committee that’s tasked with striking a deal to extend the payroll tax holiday, … accused Republicans of purposely holding up critical legislation last year – such as a stopgap funding bill to keep the federal government open and the deal to raise the debt ceiling last summer…

“Let me just emphasize, Republicans have been so mean-spirited,” Waxman told reporters here Thursday. “And I think that’s coming across to the American people. They want to use legislation as a way to act like terrorists. They hold things as hostage.

“We almost couldn’t fund the government because the Republicans wanted to hold that idea hostage,” Waxman continued. “We almost couldn’t pay our debts because the Republicans wanted to hold that legislation hostage to their extreme agenda”…

We are all for taking “hostages.”

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5 thoughts on “Waxman: GOP lawmakers ‘act like terrorists’”

  1. Waxman you dolt! If your debt is always increasng them you are not paying debts you are borrowing.

  2. This from the man who forced through a Climate Change behemoth that couldn’t pass through the Democrat controlled Senate and from a party that hasn’t passed a budget even when controlling both houses of Congress.

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