Poll: Santorum vs. Sierra Club

The Sierra Club accused Rick Santorum today of “choosing polluters over public health.” But just exactly who is the greater threat to humanity? Take our poll.

First a few facts:

  • Santorum is a strong pro-life advocate and has advocated/lobbied for affordable energy via coal.
  • The Sierra Club is pro-abortion, partnering with anti-human groups like Planned Parenthood and population control groups like Population Action International, Population Connection, Population Institute, Population Justice Project, Population Media Center and the Population Reference Bureau.
  • The Sierra Club policies kill jobs and make energy, food, housing and other consumer products more expensive, all without providing any measurable benefits to public health.

Now take the poll.

Who is more people-friendly?

4 thoughts on “Poll: Santorum vs. Sierra Club”

  1. Most people don’t know that the Sierra Club lost its tax exempt status years ag0 and is now listed as a for profit advocacy organization/

  2. But wait! The dumbing down of American isn’t from fluoridation — it’s due to Global Warming!!! (Everything is because of global warming…)

  3. I don’t know Picker22. Since they’ve been fluoridating the water the citizens of America seem to be getting dumber and dumber. Consider, 52% of America voted for a guy with no history, no qualifications as an executive, who never held a real job in his life, with a sketchy past and whose citizenship is still questionable and put him into the most powerful elective office in the world. QED. I rest my case against fluoridation. [*grin*]

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