Obama to Spotlight Energy in SOTU

Talk is cheap and Obama knows it.

The Wall Street Journal reports,

President Barack Obama will use his State of the Union speech on Tuesday to call for an increase in domestic energy production, said people familiar with the plans.

Mr. Obama is expected to tout the economic and energy security benefits of increased U.S. oil and gas production, a message unlikely to sit well with some of the President’s environmental supporters but which could blunt industry and Republican criticism of his energy policies.

Mr. Obama’s speech is expected to call for increased oil and gas production and highlight a drop in U.S. oil imports, although some of that decrease stems from reduced demand amid a weak economy.

One idea discussed and later dropped was to set a natural gas production goal, those people said. A decision was made not to include the goal in the speech, an administration official said.

2 thoughts on “Obama to Spotlight Energy in SOTU”

  1. Government can’t stimulate production, it only constrains it. The United States would be energy self-sufficient if government simply got out of the way.

    This president has throttled oil production more than any in history. He’s going
    to read that he’s going to “call for an increase in domestic energy production?” Sounds like TPOTUS (the TelePrompter Of The United States) doesn’t
    understand markets any better than the president does.

  2. My first thought, without even reading the WSJ full post was “Republican rebuttal” of Obama’s speech, and that would be Obama’s refusal to approve the Keystone pipeline and the 3 years it’s been up for approval. SMACKDOWN!

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