Hawaiian greens make global warming work for them

Exploiting predicted sea-level rise to stop development.

KITV (Honolulu) reports:

Rep. Cynthia Thielen has introduced a bill to require the state and counties to take into account a predicted sea level rise of one foot by 2050 when reviewing applications for development and future county plans.

Thielen says the rising seas pose a substantial threat to Hawaii’s infrastructure and overall economy.

The Center For Island Climate Adaptation and Policy stated that Hawaii is expected to experience sea level rise of one foot by 2050…

The purpose of H.B. No. 2330 Relating To Climate Change is to require the State Office of Planning and the planning authority of each county in the State of Hawaii to take into account a predicted sea level rise of one foot by 2050 when reviewing present applications for development and future county plans.

Read the entire KITV report.

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