Gross: Obama campaigns on Keystone XL rejection

Obama kills jobs and then fundraises of the corpses.

Here’s an e-mail from the Obama campaign [h/t Politico]:

From: James Kvaal — Policy Director,
Sent: Thu 1/19/2012 6:05 PM
Subject: Update on Keystone XL

Friend —

I wanted to make sure you heard the news: Yesterday, the State Department denied the permit to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

President Obama had made clear that a project of this magnitude — with high stakes for public health, the environment, and our country’s energy supply — needed a thorough review. But Republicans in Congress demanded an up-or-down decision in just 60 days, cutting short a process that was already under way with an unreasonable deadline.

Our opponents have some powerful friends in the oil industry, and they’re fighting back hard.

Get the full story — and say you stand with the Obama administration’s effort to protect the environment, develop our natural resources responsibly, and create jobs:


James Kvaal
National Policy Director
Obama for America

2 thoughts on “Gross: Obama campaigns on Keystone XL rejection”

  1. They had 3 years already, if you can’t do a thorough review in that time then you are probably not competent to be making these sorts of decisions.

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