Enviros scare institutions about ‘high carbon’ investments

Would you invest in coal, oil and natural gas — or Solyndra?

Climatewire reports,

The United Kingdom’s financial system is overexposed to corporate and pension fund investments in high-carbon fuels like coal, which risks becoming a stranded asset as the world makes efforts to move to a low-carbon economy, according to a new report.

The nonprofit Carbon Tracker Initiative, whose goal is to persuade companies to help tackle climate change by cutting their carbon footprints, asserted the London Stock Exchange has accumulated the equivalent of 106 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions through investments globally in fossil fuels by its members, of which 45 billion metric tons is just coal.

Describing it as a “carbon bubble,” the Carbon Tracker report likens it to the dot-com crisis, when the sudden collapse of hugely overpriced Internet assets wiped billions off investment and share values.

“The carbon bubble could be equally serious for institutional investors — including pension beneficiaries — and the value lost would be permanent,” it says.

In a statement, the group said “serious reforms are required to key aspects of financial regulation and practice firstly to acknowledge the carbon risks inherent in fossil fuel assets and then take action to reduce these risks on the timeline needed to avoid catastrophic climate change.”

As Peabody Energy exec Fred Palmer told The Guardian earlier this year:

Anyone who has the notion that we’re going to move away from fossil fuels just isn’t paying attention.

Click for Carbon Tracker’s ‘Carbon Bubble’ web page.

4 thoughts on “Enviros scare institutions about ‘high carbon’ investments”

  1. Coal will be an excellent future source of Hydrogen, and before that, methane, EVEN if you don’t want to burn it as coal, which Red China DOES. Coal, once made into “coke” is utilized in steel-making. Small Steel-making custom-houses(plants) are a good way to “de-centralize” remaining USA industrial production, to be self-sufficient WHEN the Soviets & the Red Chinese use their N. Korean/Iranian/other Arab-terrorist “proxies” to NUKE us HERE, once we’re occupied in Syria-Iran or elsewhere. So WHY…would the Chinese and the Ruskies WANT to invade following a nuking of the ‘States? –ENERGY! We are ENERGY-RICH, plus the Red Chinese are about 100million-short of marriagable-age WOMEN, due to years of China’s “one-child-only” policy, where male babies would miraculously live, and female babies would regretably die/be-aborted, per Chinese couple. But many of Our women are married! But what happens to spouses, once US males/husbands are sent to Gulags/liquidated, like they have been in past conquests? The USA has hundreds of millions of CARS/trucks, plus the roads to drive them on. The USA is a HUGE STORE-HOUSE of: ENERGY, WOMEN, TOYS, FOOD,& HOUSING,–with the present Regime making us LESS able to maintain & defend the same. Our country helmed with a man RAISED by Mao-ists, who won’t use the “S”-word (socialist), ONLY because he wants to win this fall.

  2. Hydrocarbons are the only source of cheap energy and is the only reason humanity changed so much in the past 200 years. When hydrocarbons are unprofitable 90% of the human race will die off.

  3. I am investing in natural gas and natural gas liquids. Wind and solar companies require their coffers to be refilled with government subsidies in order to survive, but even then the guys running these companies after ripping off taxpayers still go broke like Solyndra.

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