Anti-fracking Activist: Profile in Socialism

Susie Beiersdorfer is more than just a part-time geology instructor at Youngstown State University.

As reported by The Vindicator (Youngstown, OH) about a 200-strong anti-fracking rally lasy week in Columbus,

“We came down to raise our voices to stop fracking and stop the destruction of our state, our land, our air, our water,” said Susie Beiersdorfer, a part-time geology instructor at Youngstown State University. She added later, “This is the first line of defense, getting the legislatures to pass a moratorium at the least, and I’d love to just see a ban on all fracking. … It’s not for everyone’s advantage; it’s for private profit.” [Emphasis added]

As it turns out the Vindicator reporter only got part of the story from Beiersdorfer. She’s actually an anti-fracking activist and “social justice” activist to boot.

No wonder she doesn’t understand how the private economy works. We hope she knows more about geology but, understandably we have our doubts.

Here’s Susie in action.

One thought on “Anti-fracking Activist: Profile in Socialism”

  1. I watched her for the duration of the clip – that seemed like hours – I understand her warped viewpoint since lets face it, what else has she got going for her – she is like so many of these socialist tree huggers – just hates anything that smells of entrepreneurialism/ reaping of technology or in fact the advancement and well being of her own countrymen – what worries me is that she is in a position to infect her students with he jaundiced views of mankind

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