Reaffirming: Los Angeles Students Roundly Reject ‘Healthier’ School Lunch Menu

Brown rice cutlets out. Pizza (back) in. Nannies lose. Continue reading Reaffirming: Los Angeles Students Roundly Reject ‘Healthier’ School Lunch Menu

South Fla. climate plan attacked as ‘bogus science’, ‘socialist power grab’, ‘fraud’

South Floridians have well-learned their junk science lessons. Continue reading South Fla. climate plan attacked as ‘bogus science’, ‘socialist power grab’, ‘fraud’

Enviros appeal San Joaquin-Sacramento Bay Delta salmon ruling

A federal judge had earlier throttled federal scientists’ actions as being in “bad faith and their testimony as “false,” “outrageous,” “incredible,” “unworthy of belief” and more. Continue reading Enviros appeal San Joaquin-Sacramento Bay Delta salmon ruling

IBD: First Obama Re-Election Ad Filled With Fibs

” In his very first TV ad of the 2012 campaign, the president is feeding the public false information about America’s dependence on foreign fuels. His twisted statistics actually celebrate the Obama recession.” Continue reading IBD: First Obama Re-Election Ad Filled With Fibs