Report: Olympic National Park glaciers continue to shrink, most recent study finds

The first principle of climate alarmism is “Change is man’s fault.” Continue reading Report: Olympic National Park glaciers continue to shrink, most recent study finds

GOP seeks legislative fix to EPA, reliability conundrum

Now that utilities and Congressional Republicans have failed to protect our electricity supply against EPA overreach, there’s a conspiracy afoot to protect the utilities from their own failure. This must be opposed. Continue reading GOP seeks legislative fix to EPA, reliability conundrum

‘Bomb Waiting To Go Off’: CDC-ATSDR blames methane in Ohio drinking water on fracking

“That news contradicts repeated statements from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources on the connection between the drilling and problems at the two houses…” Continue reading ‘Bomb Waiting To Go Off’: CDC-ATSDR blames methane in Ohio drinking water on fracking