Same scare. Different species. Continue reading Move over polar bears; Here comes the harp seal
Day: January 5, 2012
Insurers thunderstruck in 2011, blame climate
Maybe they should just increase premiums. Continue reading Insurers thunderstruck in 2011, blame climate
Whine: Ex-Gingrich climate chapter author gets ‘hate mail’; Religious belief puts her beyond reproach?
Welcome to the club. Skeptics have been abused for years. Continue reading Whine: Ex-Gingrich climate chapter author gets ‘hate mail’; Religious belief puts her beyond reproach?
EPA dioxin standard to make food ‘unfit for consumption’
Bad news for Ben & Jerry’s? Continue reading EPA dioxin standard to make food ‘unfit for consumption’
Traffic causes tornadoes?
Neither correlation nor modulation are causation. Continue reading Traffic causes tornadoes?
CDC panel recommends new lead level standards
This action has nothing to do with improving public health. Continue reading CDC panel recommends new lead level standards