Penn State Prof: Skeptics ‘deeply ethically abhorrent’, ‘malicious, ‘morally reprehensible’

Michael Mann colleague Donald Brown says it is unethical to differ from “consensus-approved” IPCC conclusions.

From Penn State climate “ethicist” Donald Brown:

… However, a review of the tactics used by the scientific disinformation campaign will reveal that these tactics can’t be construed as the application of reasonable scientific skepticism, but, as we shall see, often constitute malicious, morally reprehensible disinformation…

Yet, as we shall see, much of the ideological climate disinformation that has been prominent in the climate change debate in the United States and a few other developed countries is deeply
ethically abhorrent…

Read Brown’s screed.

5 thoughts on “Penn State Prof: Skeptics ‘deeply ethically abhorrent’, ‘malicious, ‘morally reprehensible’”

  1. This from a University that turned a blind eye to Sandusky’s “morally reprehensible” behavior…consider the source…

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