White House smoking dope on ‘clean energy standard’

If a “clean energy standard” is passed by Congress in 2012, we’ll eat our hat.

According to the Clean Energy Report,

The Obama administration remains bullish on passing a clean energy standard (CES) bill in 2012, despite GOP and industry critics who say the legislation would drive up electricity costs in a wavering economy and stands little chance of gaining political traction.

A Department of Energy spokesperson says a CES would create jobs and help economic recovery while making the country more competitive in a multibillion dollar global market for clean energy technologies.

“A national Clean Energy Standard would provide important certainty for the market, spur investments in innovation, and support jobs in a booming sector of the economy,” the spokesperson says in a statement to Clean Energy Report. A CES would also help spur competitiveness “in the rapidly-growing, global clean energy industry”…

Read JunkScience.com’s “What is a ‘Clean Energy Standard’?”

One thought on “White House smoking dope on ‘clean energy standard’”

  1. You’ve got it, Steve. These guys are smoking wacky tobacky. And does anyone really believe that increasing the cost of energy creates more jobs than it destroys? Are they that intellectually dishonest that they actually believe this?

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