Romney hits Gingrich for Pelosi ad

This seems like dangerous ground for Romney.

The Washington Post reports,

… [Mitt] Romney also opened a new line of attack by personally criticizing Gingrich for having made a television commercial in 2008 with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), then the House speaker and now the minority leader, promoting a campaign against global warming.

“Let’s look at the record,” he said. “When Republicans were fighting for cap and trade and needed a leader to stand up against cap and trade, he did an ad with Nancy Pelosi about global warming.

We’re not defending Newt “Human Hand Grenade” Gingrich, but a couple things for Romney to keep in mind:

We’d prefer a contest between Romney and Gingrich where they tried to outdo each other in the degree to which they’d crack down on the outlaw EPA.

2 thoughts on “Romney hits Gingrich for Pelosi ad”

  1. Gingrich says it was dumb. He never says WHY it was dumb. I don’t consider
    it a repudiation.

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