FT: China warns EU of carbon tax ‘trade war’

Maybe if the EU showed the Chinese a polar bear photo then all would be okay.

The Financial Times reports,

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China has warned the European Union to abandon its controversial carbon tax on airlines or risk provoking a global trade war.
Adding weight to the warning, an industry insider told the Financial Times that the Chinese government was seriously considering measures to hit back at the EU if it insists on charging international airlines for their carbon emissions…

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Xinhua, the state-owned news agency often used by the government to deliver blunter messages, was more direct.
“This is a trade barrier in the name of environmental protection, and it constitutes an attack on the interests of travellers and the international aviation industry,” it said in an editorial. “It will be difficult to avoid a trade war focused on a ‘carbon tax’ for airlines”…

EU to China: Pay our carbon tax, save a bear.

2 thoughts on “FT: China warns EU of carbon tax ‘trade war’”

  1. G’Day! Steve Milloy,
    Thanks for that, Ought to the provisions in the Waxman Markey-inspired American Cleanse Power and Protection Act, covering the introduction of a cap and trade method, be changed with a straight ahead carbon taxation? This seems to be the impression of the American taxpaying population in general, if we are to consider the outcomes of the survey fairly recently revealed. Hart Analysis, on the instigation of the US Local climate Challenge Drive polled over 1000 registered voters, the result remaining that a straight forward carbon tax seems to be noticeably preferable when addressing weather modification situations.
    All the Best

  2. Next french elections if indeed they that stupid to vote Socialist as projected, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The Socialists made a pact with a rabid green party which makes Greenpeace look subdued in their zeal to force us back into the prehistoric times.
    They get a big piece of the parliament seats in trade. First on the agenda: get rid of nuclear in France……
    Economic suicide on a ridiculous scale.

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