Camp Lejueune Marines wrongly blame TCE for cancer, want compensation

Agent Orange redux.

Environment and Energy PM reports,

A group of nearly 40 Marine veterans who have been diagnosed with male breast cancer or members of their families made a plea to President Obama today to back legislation that would provide health care to those who have fallen ill after drinking contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

The Marines were exposed to various contaminants while stationed at Camp Lejuene, including trichloroethylene (TCE), a common industrial solvent that U.S. EPA recently said is carcinogenic…

There is no evidence that TCE causes cancer in humans, much less that is associated with any “cluster” at Camp Lejeune.

Check out “EPA pulls secondhand smoke trick on TCE”.

Click for the Marines’ letter.

One thought on “Camp Lejueune Marines wrongly blame TCE for cancer, want compensation”

  1. The only thing that “causes” cancer is faulty cell reproduction.
    Everything else only increases the chance of cancer occurring.
    Government documentation claiming that a chemical “causes” cancer should be challenged in court on the grounds that it cannot be a “cause” unless everyone exposed to amounts that exceed set limits contracts cancer.

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