Michaels: An Open Letter to the Director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research

Climate skeptic Pat Michaels writes to NCAR about Tom Wigley’s Climategate 2.0 suggestion that Michaels’ PhD thesis be reconsidered. Continue reading Michaels: An Open Letter to the Director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research

Does a public opinion poll on global warming mean anything?

Alarmist Roger Pielke, Jr. says that “The battle for public opinion has essentially been won.” But can the public even have a meaningful opinion? Continue reading Does a public opinion poll on global warming mean anything?

Climategate 2.0: Briffa — Current warming ‘probably matched about 1000 years ago’

Keith Briffa also doesn’t think too much of the hokey stick shaft. Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Briffa — Current warming ‘probably matched about 1000 years ago’

Climategate 2.0: Hughes — hokey stick should be treated with ‘considerable caution’

Hokey stick co-author Malcolm Hughes could have been a skeptic. Continue reading Climategate 2.0: Hughes — hokey stick should be treated with ‘considerable caution’