European Food Safety Authority Once Again Reaffirms the Safety of BPA

Based on this latest assessment, EFSA upheld the finding of its 2010 review that the existing tolerable daily intake (TDI) for BPA would “protect all human populations for lifetime exposure to this substance through diet.” Continue reading European Food Safety Authority Once Again Reaffirms the Safety of BPA

Food nannies want to torture kids in hospitals with ‘healthy’ food

Only 44% of children’s hospitals offered “low cal” salad dressing, while 81% offered cookies. Quelle horreur! Continue reading Food nannies want to torture kids in hospitals with ‘healthy’ food

Penn State (ideological) child abuse? Mann advising zoos on climate

We thought it was bad enough that zoos were propagandizing visitors like the child pictured below children. But then we learned about the Michael Mann connection. Continue reading Penn State (ideological) child abuse? Mann advising zoos on climate