Solar industry chief pleads for mercy

We can forgive, but the solar industry must reform.

Rhone Resch, president of the Solar Energy Industries Association writes in Investor’s Business Daily,

The sensational headlines over the past two months regarding the Solyndra bankruptcy could give the false impression that the U.S. solar energy industry is the primary beneficiary of energy-related federal subsidies and tax breaks. This is simply not the case.

Broader perspective is in order…

A serious “all of the above” national strategy to meet our growing energy needs must have solar as part of the equation. The United States has the potential to be the world’s leading solar market if we have the foresight and vision to utilize our vast solar resources as we have with every other major domestic energy source.

But one of the reasons the solar industry has earned the enmity of its opponents is its willingness to participate and help foment the junk science-based attacks on the fossil fuels industry.

As an energy technology, we wish solar would succeed. But if the industry keeps using junk science, we hope the Earth opens up and swallows it.

Read Resch’s IBD commentary.

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