Sen. Scott Brown: A RINO we have to love?

Scott Brown will vote against a Republican effort to rein in the EPA.

Environment and Energy Daily reports:

Although the sponsor of a Senate bid to kill U.S. EPA’s new rule for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions has said repeatedly that he expects his resolution to pass this week, it remains unclear where those votes would come from.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will offer a resolution of disapproval this week under the Congressional Review Act that would invalidate the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule for power plants, which EPA finalized in July. It would bar the agency from implementing a substantially similar rule in the future…

Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) has told several Massachusetts environmentalists that he is a “no” vote, too.

“I would be shocked and he would have directly gone against what he directly said to me if he does not oppose Rand Paul’s CRA,” said Benjamin Wright, an advocate with Environment Massachusetts.

Wright said that during a visit to the senator’s Washington office in October, Brown committed to oppose the Paul resolution whenever it comes to the floor. Brown’s office did not contradict that statement.

Disappointing, but we still hope he doesn’t lose to the execrable Elizabeth Warren.

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