Report: Climate change fat cats go global

“Climate change bureaucrats are now among the most travelled public servants in the land – spending an average of $250,000 a month on overseas conferences and study trips.”

The Daily Telegraph (Australia) reports,

CLIMATE change bureaucrats are now among the most travelled public servants in the land – spending an average of $250,000 a month on overseas conferences and study trips.

As 40 boffins prepare to leave next week for the resort town of Durban in South Africa for the doomed UN climate change conference, The Daily Telegraph can reveal last year’s overseas trips cost taxpayers $3.1 million.

According to documents supplied by the department, 86 staff travelled overseas, flying business class or first class during 2010.

The bureaucrats – including assistant secretaries, deputy secretaries, senior executive officers and research scientists – racked up accommodation and meals bills of more than $750,000.

The documents claim a total of more than 250 individual trips or cities were visited during the 2010 calendar year.

Paris, London, New York and Madrid were regulars.

But some lesser known cities included Cartegena, Bogota, Addis Ababa, Cancun and Libreville, the capital of the central west African nation of Gabon…

Read the full Telegraph article.

One thought on “Report: Climate change fat cats go global”

  1. Anthropogenic climate change has sucked billions of taxes out of our pockets over the years. I’ll bet that over the last 20 years, if there was no climate change science, I’d have enough left over now to buy a new car, but instead I gotta drive my old rust bucket while these people fly around first class. It really pisses me off.

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