Obama threatens to veto Cross-State air rule resolution

You should contact your Senators about the upcoming (possibly Thursday) vote on rolling back a new job-killing EPA excess.

Click for the White House statement on S.J. Res. 27.

Click for the American Council for Clean Coal Electricity statement on S.J. Res. 27:.

If your Senators are squishy Republicans (e.g., Collins, Snowe, Brown, Alexander) or so-called “moderate” Democrats (i.e., Pryor, Manchin, Rockefeller, Casey, McCaskill, Ben Nelson etc.) then please call/e-mail and ask that they vote “YES” on S.J. Res. 27.

Click here for Senate contact info.

One thought on “Obama threatens to veto Cross-State air rule resolution”

  1. We can hope that Obama will get an opportunity to veto such a bill, but we think that Harry Reid will kill it.

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