NRG Energy CEO: Roof-top solar cheaper than grid in 3-5 years

Pie-in-the-sky camouflage for the NRG’s clean energy scam.

NRG Energy CEO David Crane told the Yale Environment 360 that:

I absolutely believe it. We believe that in the next 3 to 5 years you’ll be able to get power cheaper from the roof of your house than from the grid. Solar is going to go from this thing that right now is like .1 percent of the market to 20 to 30 percent of the overall electricity mix.

But Crane and NRG Energy were just exposed in a front-page New York Times article as making big profits off taxpayer subsidies.

The only way Crane’s hope/belief/prediction comes true is if the Chinese ship panels to America for free — and apparently some in the US solar aim to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Read Crane’s interview with Yale Environment 360.

Read “NYTimes: Subsidies lock in big profits for wind, solar”.

Read “Petition for 100% tariff on Chinese solar splits U.S. industry”.

12 thoughts on “NRG Energy CEO: Roof-top solar cheaper than grid in 3-5 years”

  1. below their permit limits. ………

    a govt permit limit?? subsidy??

    The important measure is “Net Taxes”. If Taxes-Subsidies is positive, then you are a productive……….

    unless you are leaving out other subsidies in this case. and i dont know if your important measure is really true or not.

    gwb said there were real reports of babies being thrown from incubators in kuwait.

  2. again ben from dicksuckerton, the show i saw, not my theory, stated that emissiins weakend the trees, no mercury….acids accumulating in the soil that made the tres more susceptible to a type of incsect. if you dont know for sure then stfu.

  3. ben from dicksuckerton…it was on pbs channel in raleigh. not my conspiracy theory. and the werent pines…it was a type of fir tree that was decimated. now whether that was caused by various emissions (and dumbass i dint say mercury, and the show didt say mercury either) or somethign else altogether i dont know for sure.

  4. RST, Please stop your conspiracy theories.

    The coal plants were emitting mercury below their permit limits. This was blamed for the destruction of evergreens, but it was discovered that pine beetles were flourishing due to poor wildfire management.

    Also, when looking at energy “subsidies” you also have to look at excise and other special taxes as well. For example, Exxon paid nothing in income tax last year due to numerous deductions, but they paid several billions in excise and special taxes, and it came out to a 30-40% tax rate. The important measure is “Net Taxes”. If Taxes-Subsidies is positive, then you are a productive, tax-paying entity. If this is significantly negative, then you are a subsidized industry. Wind and Solar power is massively negative. Without “subsidies” and all their deductions, oil and coal would become more expensive to compensate for their absurd taxation (which in some cases can go above 100%), and nuclear would come to a standstill due to its insane regulatory burden. However, as has been threatened to nations in Europe that are looking to cutting subsidies to balance their budgets, if renewables lose their special treatment, they will close almost immediately.

  5. i was told that some years ago ohio coal plants were emitting certain levels of stuff that weakend evergreens in nc…mt mithchell, and made the vulnerable to disease and now thousands are dead.

    i dont think the coal plants were closed down at all and i expect some federal rulings or other govt agencies kept them running…..if for instance wind turbines start killin too many birds is it likely that a federal agentcy will rule that wind providers have to alter their turbines by 2075???

  6. – Western Nevada College broke ground today on a solar energy project that is expected to save the college as much as $28,000 each year in electricity costs….

    i dont know if the above linked info is true or not or what specific things are deliberatly being withheld in the savings analysis.

    if people her are complaining simply about subsidies dont all energy forms/providers have some types of subsidies as well as regulatory costs too??

  7. I absolutely believe it. We believe that in the next 3 to 5 years you’ll be able to get power cheaper from the roof of your house than from the grid. …..

    this isnt really clear is it??

    how much will a solar panel – voltage regulator – battery system cost to add to a grid wired house?? 10 thousand?? 20 thousand???

    is that cheaper than a 100 dollar a month utility bill?? i guess it depends on the financing and the sunlight where one lives.

    in some locales (southwest) if the solar system was integrated into new houses and worked into a mortgage it might somehow be ‘cheaper’

  8. Sure, at noon in the southwest on a sunny day. Once the sun goes down — not so much. In November in the Northeast, — fugeddabouddit.

  9. The only way Crane’s hope/belief/prediction comes true is if …

    The government regulates the price from traditional power generators through the roof.

  10. Even with cheap Chinese panels + federal/utilities subsidies, a 4 kW residential grid-tied system installed in Knoxville, TN (a DOE Solar America City), the pay out time is still greater than 30 years. This exceeds the life of the panels. Only the one percenters, Keynesians and stupid greenies will care to waste this kind of cash.

  11. Just another “green/solar” con-job from the environmentalist branch of
    the American National Socialist Party..

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