Jackson on purchasing science and peer review

Lisa Jackson has double-standards when it comes to paying for science and standards of view.

After talking about Republicans supposedly deriding science and scientists, at about 33:55 in the video of her Berkeley talk she says,

Now scientists are not blameless, here, because, I think, one of the things we haven’t done, at some point folks figured out that science wasn’t giving them the answers they liked. They started funding their own science and I do think there’s nothing wrong with that. Fund science. Fund anything you’re interested in. But I think we need scientists to be very clear about who’s paying for the science that they’re doing and to submit to the highest and most rigorous standards of review in doing their work.

While her aim was to smear industry-funded science, these sentiments would also apply to EPA-funded science — especially the vast majority of the air quality science the agency relies on. Not only does EPA pay for the science it wants, it then pays the same scientists to review their own work.

Her comment about the “highest and most rigorous standards of review” is a howler as the EPA actually helps hides data from the public so that it cannot be independently reviewed.

4 thoughts on “Jackson on purchasing science and peer review”

  1. Industry is accountable to their shareholders and to their customers. The government is accountable to no one.

    Who is the one with the greatest potential bias?

  2. “But I think we need scientists to … submit to the highest and most rigorous standards of review in doing their work.”
    Of course, WE will decide who will review the work, and tell the reviewers what their findings will be.

  3. Fraulein Jackson’s aim was to smear industry-funded science. But her sentiments apply especially to government-funded “science” — including to that funded by the EPA — and that creates the illusion of “evidence” in support of whatever bastardy the government’s up to that day.

    As in the case of so-called “climate science,” tending-to-totalitarian Left-Wing governments’ machination by way of which Mann-MadeGW began as a $15-Trillion fascist fraud, morphed into a mass-hysteria, morphed into godless religion, morphed into a mandated Mann-MadeGW Industrial Complex!

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