Climategate 2.0: Mann shares pre-pub studies with Revkin, Romm

Alarmist media and alarmist activist groups get heads ups from Michael Mann.

From the Climategate 2.0 collection, In an exchange with Grant Foster about how they got a friendly editor (Steve Gahn) for a study submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research, Mann laments to Grant that the New York Times reporter Andy Revkin and Center for American Progress blogger Joe Romm have misunderstood the pre-publication nature of copies of studies provided by Mann.

Read the e-mail exchange.

cc: ,

, “J. Salinger”
, James Annan ,
, Gavin Schmidt ,

date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 10:28:31 -0400
from: Michael Mann
subject: Re: ENSO blamed over warming – paper in JGR
to: Grant Foster
good news Grant, we can trust him to be professional.
on a related note, a few folks have expressed concern that the galley-formatting of the
article w/out any label such as “submitted to JGR” is a bit misleading. some people think
the paper has already gone to press!

we should add a clear label such as “sub judice” or “submitted” to any posted and/or
circulating version of this,
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p.s. I’ve already had to correct both Andy Revkin and Joe Romm on this!

On Aug 6, 2009, at 7:19 PM, Grant Foster wrote:
I thought I’d let you all know that Steve Gahn has been assigned as editor for the

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