Climategate 2.0: Even alarmists think Hansen is over the top

Skeptics aren’t alone in thinking that Hansen has jumped the shark.

From the Climategate 2.0 collection, Phil Jones and Mike Hulme discuss Hansen’s input to a June 19, 2007 article by Steve Connor in The Independent

Oh dear, we’re doomed, we’re all doomed!

‘Whipsaws’ now join ‘feedbacks’, ‘flips’ and ‘tipping points’ in the Earth science lexicon.

Hansen certainly uses the words ‘peril’, ‘planetary rescue’, etc. so it’s hard to blame Steve Connor, but what are we to make of all this? Does Jim want us to stop sleeping at night?

Click here for Connor’s article.

Read the E-mail exchange below.

cc: “Lowe_Tom”
date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 16:07:05 +0100
from: “Mike Hulme”
subject: RE: is this an over the top article/reporting
to: “‘Phil Jones'”

Oh dear, we’re doomed, we’re all doomed!
‘Whipsaws’ now join ‘feedbacks’, ‘flips’ and ‘tipping points’ in the Earth
science lexicon.
Hansen certainly uses the words ‘peril’, ‘planetary rescue’, etc. so it’s
hard to blame Steve Connor, but what are we to make of all this? Does Jim
want us to stop sleeping at night?
—–Original Message—–
From: Phil Jones []
Sent: 19 June 2007 16:49
Subject: is this an over the top article/reporting
I think I’d agree with you on this one.
Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090
School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
University of East Anglia
Norwich Email

2 thoughts on “Climategate 2.0: Even alarmists think Hansen is over the top”

  1. Simply read Hansen’s bio on Wikipedia.
    Everything he has worked on has been proven untrue when the empirical data came in.
    At least if he (and his ilk) was on social security and food stamps he would be helping to save the planet and our tax money.

  2. “Make the lie big, repeat it often and people will start to believe it” Adolf Hitler. A lot of the media have become a pack of unwitting Nazis. Remembering that Nazi stands for National Socialist (Nazism is an offshoot of Communism) , we are seeing the inhibition of the press in reporting dissenting views. No wonder the warmists jump up and down when the big “N” word comes out – they know they have something to hide. Unbelievable how people can be so gullible to fall for this monstrous scam. Realistically, those corrupted scientists who are deliberately perpetrating these lies deserve punishment as deemed appropriate for High Treason. I would suggest a grisly public ending as a lesson for future traitors as to what to expect for such treachery. The plot behind the scam dates back over 100 years, so there are some very high profile institutions and figures that must be put to the sword. Perhaps the predictions of Nostradamus for worldwide revolution in 2012 are going to prove to be correct.

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