Waxman: Reining in EPA like ‘banning apple pie’

The dust-up over EPA regulating farm dust moves to a House vote this week.

South Dakota Republican Kristi Noem’s “Farm Dust Regulation prevention Act of 2011” will be voted on by the House Energy and Commerce Committee this week.

Although the EPA claims it has no intention of regulating farm dust, this bill would put an end to any possibility of that.

According to Environment and Energy Daily, a clearly frustrated Henry Waxman (D-Hollywood) spluttered at a hearing last week:

If we adopt this standard for legislation, there is no end to the bad ideas we could legislate. Should we pass legislation saying the United States can’t invade Canada, or one outlawing apple pie?

Ironically, Waxman is walking down the road toward banning apple pie — or at least the advertising of it.

After the Federal Trade Commission’s annoouncement that it won’t be regulating “junk food” marketing any time soon, Waxman said:

If we do nothing, the epidemic of obesity in children is not going to stop. The food manufacturers and advertisers are not going to change what has been working for them, because what has been working for them has been adding to their profits.

Related farm dust reading:

2 thoughts on “Waxman: Reining in EPA like ‘banning apple pie’”

  1. ALL Waxman voters/constituents need to be deported…Benedict Waxman needs more serious action..

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