Update: Sen. Isakson says Fannie Mae should promote green agenda through mortgages

A JunkScience.com reader reports on her conversation with Isakson’s staff.

Earlier this week we reported that Georgia Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson had teamed up with the fluorescent green Colorado Democrat Sen. Mike Bennett to introduce a bill mandating that FannieMae, FreddieMac et al. enforce energy efficiency mandates through mortgage rates.

Here’s the report of a JunkScience.com reader’s conversation about the issue with an Isakson staffer:

Yesterday I had a disappointing conversation on S.1737 with an Isakson aide enthusiastic in his support of Isakson’s bill. I pointed out that consumers’ high energy costs was the result of over-regulation and inhibition of resource access, and that Isakson should focus instead on the root cause by helping the associated bills passed by the House get through the Senate, making energy affordable for all and negating the need for consideration of energy expenses in a mortgagee’s ability to pay. The aide’s response was “I’m not an energy expert.” (me rolling my eyes) I noted the expensive nature of energy-efficiency retrofitting, and how some folks wouldn’t be able to afford it and could have trouble selling their houses. The aide responded, “There’s energy tax credits for that” and something to the effect of “it’s the homeowner’s fault if he’s underwater.” OMG! I replied the use of tax credits means, contrary to Isakson’s statement, there IS a cost to the taxpayer. The conversation was all downhill, er..subterranean, after that.

We encourage readers to contact Isakson’s office and demand that he withdraw from any effort that would permit the corrupt FannieMae et al. from implementing the radical green-Obama agenda through mortgage rates.

Click here to contect Isakson’s office.

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