Monarch butterfly back as green cause celebre

Foiled when their Bt corn-monarch butterfly scare failed at the turn of the millenium, the greens are resurrecting the monarch scare with a multi-pronged attack. Continue reading Monarch butterfly back as green cause celebre

Action item: Demand natural variability included in next round of fed climate research

Now is the time to demand that natural variability be the focus of the U.S. Government’s climate change research program. Continue reading Action item: Demand natural variability included in next round of fed climate research right again: No prostate test for healthy men

“Healthy men should no longer receive a P.S.A. blood test to screen for prostate cancer because the test does not save lives over all and often leads to more tests and treatments that needlessly cause pain, impotence and incontinence in many, a key government health panel has decided,” reports the New York Times. But was all over this more than 13 years ago. Continue reading right again: No prostate test for healthy men

Rethinking climate change as a security threat

“Once upon a time climate change was a strictly environment and development issue. Today it has become a matter of national and international security. Efforts to link climate change with violent conflict may not be based on solid evidence, but they have certainly captured the attention of governments,” says the International Institute for Environment and Development. Continue reading Rethinking climate change as a security threat

Congress (finally) asks: Is science driving EPA policy, or is policy driving science?

Seventeen years after Steve Milloy’s seminal and controversial investigation on behalf of the Department of Energy into whether EPA regulations are driven by science or politics, the House Energy and Commerce Committee gets around to exploring the issue. Continue reading Congress (finally) asks: Is science driving EPA policy, or is policy driving science?

Anti-Salt Agenda of Federal Govt. Violates Law, Ignores Recent Science, Says Salt Institute

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines on sodium should be withdrawn and government plans to regulate salt consumption halted because the process has been compromised by a conflict of interest and a disregard for a decade of peer-reviewed scientific studies, says the Salt Institute. Continue reading Anti-Salt Agenda of Federal Govt. Violates Law, Ignores Recent Science, Says Salt Institute