Green menu: Anchovy, not pork chops, for you

Peruvian anchovy — it’s what’s for dinner in the brave new green order.

The planet is apparently running out of everything — except Peruvian anchovies — according to the Washington Post this morning:

In the end, according to National Geographic fellow Barton Seaver, the world’s growing population will have to learn how to live better within its means.

“We’re not going to find more fish; we’re not going to plow more rain forest to create more calories,” Seaver said. “I would rather have my anchoveta (Peruvian anchovy) in all its briny, delicious, shiny glory than through a pork chop on my plate.”

The Peruvian anchovy, in case you didn’t know, has been officially approved for consumption by the Environmental Defense Fund. Its “populations are exceedingly prolific despite heavy fishing pressure.”

But I think North Carolina hog farms are pretty prolific, too, despite the demand for pork chops, ribs and roasts.

Read “Population growth taxing planet’s resources”.

6 thoughts on “Green menu: Anchovy, not pork chops, for you”

  1. It’s like they discount everything that requires anything they dislike and then propose the silliest sollution possible.

    I’m reminded of a good quote: “Sometimes I think that the gods are laughing at us.”

  2. But I think North Carolina hog farms are pretty prolific, too, despite the demand for pork chops, ribs and roasts.

    Not to mention we don’t have to ship the hogs from Peru to enjoy their tasty goodness!

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