The ocean ate my global warming

That’s what NCAR’s Gerald Meehl says.

But this is more Playstation® climatology.

The simulations, which were based on projections of future greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, indicated that temperatures would rise by several degrees during this century. But each simulation also showed periods in which temperatures would stabilize for about a decade before climbing again. For example, one simulation showed the global average rising by about 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit (1.4 degrees Celsius) between 2000 and 2100, but with two decade-long hiatus periods during the century.

During these hiatus periods, simulations showed that extra energy entered the oceans, with deeper layers absorbing a disproportionate amount of heat due to changes in oceanic circulation. The vast area of ocean below about 1,000 feet (300 meters) warmed by 18% to 19% more during hiatus periods than at other times. In contrast, the shallower global ocean above 1,000 feet warmed by 60% less than during non-hiatus periods in the simulation.

Wake me when the “simulations” are validated by some sort of reality. until then it’s all blah-blah-blah-blah….

Read the media release.

17 thoughts on “The ocean ate my global warming”

  1. Paul Penrose | September 19, 2011 at 12:48 pm | Reply Output from an unvalidated and unverified computer program is useless. I write software for a living and I can assure you that these programs have bugs in them; we just don’t know how many or how serious. Not until they are properly documented, validated, and verified though rigorous independent testing. Video games get better testing than these models.
    You are right about software. I did not write software for public use but I have written thousands if not hundreds of thousands lines of logic for machine control. Here is my point: A person can write a computer program to do anything they want. It would be very easy to
    compile a program that shows co2 as a main driver in the climate.
    If anyone can write a program that accurately predicts the climate 100
    or 200 years down the road then it would be very easy to predict the next lottery winner.

  2. This businessof heat going from the atmosphere into the oceans is nonsense. To get heat into the ocean you have to overcome surface tension. To overcome surface tension you need heat lots of it and the atmosphere is not nearly hot enough to do the job. Trenberths heat is not lost, it didn’t go in there in the first place. The sea is a locked system controlled only by the sun’s radiation.

  3. The AGW mob is desperate to get their global social control agenda in place. When real life evidence does not support their predictions, they must push the predictions out enough decades to give themselves breathing room. Any excuse will do just as long as they can get people to buy into the garbage. The real fraud in AGW “research” is the requirement that only human activity can be considered in the studies. They must ignore solar, clouds, high-energy physics and any other possible causes. That is not science, it is propaganda and political agenda.

  4. … and not only did Trenberth’s “missing heat” get all the way down into the deep ocean, it did so using some cloaking device that completely hid it from the 3,000 ARGO buoys, which would otherwise have detected it as it descended.

    The magical powers of CO2 are limitless.

  5. Ex post facto consistency! Gotta love how every new observation gets programmed into the latest release of CAGW video games, making each and every anomaly consistent with the models. Of course reality is consistent with the models; that’s what they were programmed to accomplish.

  6. Gee, maybe if you program the models to behave in a certain way, could be they will. I could build a model that shows socialism works.

  7. You can’t make this stuff up… here’s a quote from the news “release”.
    During these hiatus periods, simulations showed that extra energy entered the oceans, with deeper layers absorbing a disproportionate amount of heat due to changes in oceanic circulation. The vast area of ocean below about 1,000 feet (300 meters) warmed by 18% to 19% more during hiatus periods than at other times. In contrast, the shallower global ocean above 1,000 feet warmed by 60% less than during non-hiatus periods in the simulation.
    “This study suggests the missing energy has indeed been buried in the ocean,” W
    hat are they waiting for?? If the “deeper” ocean has warmed by 18% they should be able to measure it. Or are they afraid their modelling may be wrong?

    Trenberth says. “The heat has not disappeared, and so it cannot be ignored. It must have consequences.”

  8. Output from an unvalidated and unverified computer program is useless. I write software for a living and I can assure you that these programs have bugs in them; we just don’t know how many or how serious. Not until they are properly documented, validated, and verified though rigorous independent testing. Video games get better testing than these models.

  9. Me Father alwys said: “No matter what happens–some damned fool will claim he knew it would.”

  10. You have to love the way everything about AGW or CAGW seems to get down to the value of something we currently can’t measure well enough to prove or disprove what they are claiming.

    Snake Oil Salesmen and Used Car Salesmen at their best!!

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