Congress asks EPA for secret health data — again

Are the days of secret science at the EPA numbered?

Maryland Congressman Andy Harris asked EPA air chief Gina McCathy last week for the health data underlying the EPA’s air quality benefit claims.

The request is a follow-up to McCarthy’s promise made to Harris during a hearing last week (See video, below).

Though McCarthy agreed to provide Harris with the data, we doubt that she realizes what she promised.

We expect McCarthy eventually to stonewall Harris by claiming that she can’t produce the requested Cancer Prevention Study (CPS) data because it is owned by the American Cancer Society. But the CPS data, of course, are nonetheless used and relied upon by EPA-paid air quality researchers.

That this data is used (at taxpayer expense) to support EPA regulation but is conveniently not available for independent analysis constitutes secret science.

For more on EPA’s secret science, check out:

4 thoughts on “Congress asks EPA for secret health data — again”

  1. CPS-II study used data from death certificates to formulate statistics.

    Death Certificutes are notoriously inaccurate.

    After autopsies, about 50% of the death certificutes showing a cancer as the ’cause’ of death are wrong and about 33% of the death certificutes showing heart attack as the ’cause’ of death are wrong.

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