Santorum passes, Christie fails climate litmus test

Based on Friday’s climate comments: Rick Santorum is awesome; Chris Christie is still bad.

Santorum said in an interview Friday,

“Yes, does the climate change? Of course it does, it’s changed for thousands of years. But the idea that one factor, and man’s contribution to that one factor, of which there are hundreds of factors that have an influence on climate, that that one factor of which man’s contribution is a small part of, is somehow the tip of that tail that wags the whole dog, and that we have to change all of our economic policy based on that, is just a pure overreaction that is not backed up by any kind of real evidence.

Chris Christie, in contrast, said on Friday that,

… climate change is real… human activity plays a role in these changes… [climate change is] impacting our state.

As Steve Milloy explained in June 2 Washington Times op-ed,

Is global warming science a litmus test? In 2012 America, yes.

And the New Jersey heavyweight has turned our litmus paper red.

6 thoughts on “Santorum passes, Christie fails climate litmus test”

  1. I have often asked myself the same questions
    Do 90% of scientists believe that mankind is the cause of current global warming?
    Has it ever been warmer in the past than today?
    Has the currrent co2 levels ever been higher than today?
    Have co2 levels in the past ever led or caused global warming?


  2. Carefully, Mr. Mueller, you are beginning to sound like a certain someone we generally agree is despicable. Remember Nietzsche, gaze not too long into the abyss for the abyss gazes into you.

  3. Christie partied parroted the oft “proof” that 90% of scientists agree that “climate change” its driven by mans actions. Where the hell does this stat come from? And are there really that many subjectivist scientists in this world?

  4. It would be great if we had litmus tests for all of the candidates. So scientific. If they fail they could apply for a re-education camp. I don’t think we have enough time to publicly persuade them. They must have home-schooling.

  5. I actually have more confidence in Michelle Bachman among those running. She called out the climatites when every one else was kissing their butts.

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