Rick Santorum: No place we shouldn't drill

Yes, he appallingly sided with Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey in the 2004 Senate primary in Pennsylvania, but Rick Santorum said the right thing today (and more) when asked about oil drilling.

Asked by the Des Moines Register editorial board if there’s any place that should be protected from drilling, Santorum said:


Click to read the account of Santorum’s inspiring comments.

2 thoughts on “Rick Santorum: No place we shouldn't drill”

  1. Mr. Santorum is a big government politician. I think he is well meaning and a nice person. We are on the brink when it comes to big government and our future. Yes he is right about drilling for oil. I have just one question. Why is it the business of the federal government where companies, people or ???? drill for oil. Let the each state decide what they want done on their land. Thank you.

  2. I saw this and he also said that the technology for ethanol has advanced so well that it should be considered as an alternative fuel. There is so much wrong with the very idea of using food as a fuel source that for any “conservative” to say this is insane; especially since there is no energy production or energy shortage problem that hasn’t been caused by the federal government.

    The lefties hated Nixon (in spite of the fact that he probably out-liberaled every president that came before him) because he was an ardent anti-communist. In reality; he took the course that made him famous. In my opinion; if being a pro-communist would have gotten him where he wanted to go; he would have taken that course.

    I don’t think that it would be too hard to believe Santorum could be another Dick Nixon.

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