The White House has released a regulatory reform plan that will allegedly save businesses $10 billion over the next five years. But businesses will need every penny as the coming EPA ozone rule alone is estimated to cost $1 trillion per year.

The White House has released a regulatory reform plan that will allegedly save businesses $10 billion over the next five years. But businesses will need every penny as the coming EPA ozone rule alone is estimated to cost $1 trillion per year.
It does remind me of that old mortgage processing commercial.
*Man in suit Brings in 3-foot-tall stack of paperwork*
Man in Suit – “Here’s the paperwork for your mortgage”
Average Joe – “I thought you said that you were reducing paperwork.”
Man in Suit – “We Are”
*Takes one sheet of paper off the top*
Man in Suit – “See’ya next week”
10 billiion is to 5 trillion as the EPA is to environmental protection – 0.2%.