Coal exec: ‘More coal. All the time.’

Don’t miss Peabody Energy exec Fred Palmer’s unapologetic interview with The Guardian (UK). Notable quotes include:

  • “We’re 100% coal. More coal. Everywhere. All the time.”
  • “We don’t have a political allegiance. We’re Americans and our political party is coal.”
  • “Anyone who has the notion that we’re going to move away from fossil fuels just isn’t paying attention.”

Amen, brother.

2 thoughts on “Coal exec: ‘More coal. All the time.’”

  1. “The [Climategate] emails speak for themselves. But that doesn’t have us go up to Capitol Hill and say don’t do anything [about carbon] under any circumstance. We’re not saying that and we’re not in that space. We’re about finding a technology path.” Palmer, much like AEP CEO Michael Morris, is rolling with the punches. Palmer is actually for continuing to find a solution to the CCS technical difficulties. This is utter foolishness and short-sightedness. Because if CCS is ever made feasible, no matter what the cost, EPA will immediately require it. And coal will be on the downhill decline.

  2. Amen brother? He should be dragged out and tarred and feathered. Yes, coal fuels half our country. It is going to take many decades but we CAN get there.

    We need to get off these 20th Century fuels as soon as possible!

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