How to speed nuke permits: ‘Issue them’

At today’s House Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing on EPA’s job killing greenhouse gas regulations, Rep. Cory Power (R-CO) asked panel witness Dan Reicher — a longtime anti-nuke campaigner trying to position himself as some sort of “clean energy” expert — what could be done to accelerate the issuance of nuke plant permits.

While Reicher stammered and temporized, another witness (possibly W. David Montgomery of Charles River Associates) took the microphone and ironically declared, “Issue them.”

Shocker: EPA air chief ignorant of atmospheric CO2 level

At today’s House Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing on EPA’s job killing greenhouse gas regulations, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) asked panel witness Gina McCarthy — chief of EPA’s air programs, including the agency’s greenhouse gas regulations — whether she had any idea of what the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is, SHE ADMITTED THAT SHE DID NOT! Continue reading Shocker: EPA air chief ignorant of atmospheric CO2 level