Duke Energy wants to charge its consumers more for smart meters, but doesn’t want to promise that consumers will receive any benefits from them.
Check out the release from the Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel.
Duke Energy wants to charge its consumers more for smart meters, but doesn’t want to promise that consumers will receive any benefits from them.
Check out the release from the Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel.
I read a paper yesterday about smart meters and expected results, looked abysmal to me. No real savings, just inconvenience and disruption.
I was supposed to get a job writing training documentation at the new Iatan 2 coal plant outside of KC, so I did a lot of studying up on it. The project was held up for a few years until they settled a suit with the Sierra Club to build a large wind farm as offsets. KCP&L now has to raise rates about 25% to pay for the wind farm.
Here’s what they asked for in 2008:
There’s a more recent article somewhere about how they are asking to raise rates even more. Besides Missouri, Kansas is also asking for a 25% raise in rates.
I guess that could be a benefit. As Obama put it: “electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket”. If it’s only 25%, that’s not quite skyrocketing.
Monbiot apologies
BBC had files 2 weeks prior
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