4 thoughts on “Waxman-Markey (full text & summary)”

  1. While it looks very bad, other than publicizing it far and wide, I don’t think much can be done about it.

  2. I did my part for about the 5th time today – so far the only peeps from Donna Edwards (D-Md 4th) have been “thank yous” for my e-mails.

    Dear Representative Edwards:

    Please vote NO on The American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454)

    1. There is no climate crisis.

    2. Carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant.

    3. There is no need to ration energy.

    4. This uncalled for intervention in the U.S. economy will be financed on the backs of U.S. taxpayers and will yield no noticeable or measurable environmental benefits.

    5. It will make over our economy and society into a model of mediocrity after hobbling its dynamism and innovation.

    PLEASE vote NO on HR 2454!

    Thank you.

  3. Last paragraph of the summary says “creating” Carbon Offsets is “income,” and giving them away is “expenditure,” and this bill magically creates 24 billion in income! Huzzah!

    If we don’t make carbon based energy more expensive to consumers (which this bill explicitly attempts to avoid doing), why should I look for “alternative” energy sources?

    Oh, wait, because I won’t be ABLE to find electricity from traditional sources as generation capacity fails to keep up with demand, and eco-nuts block new sources at every turn!

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