31 thoughts on “San Francisco: The recycling police state”

  1. @ Ed Darrell….Tell me how having a civilian army will do anything to stop a single act of terrorism. You ARE right, I don’t have a problem with any legitimate organization that would be an aid in preventing terrorism. But what could a street army do? Terrorists don’t exactly walk around with a belt of bombs on the outside of their shirts. Democrats already complain about the defense budget being way to large and they had accused Bush of having police state policies. Well, wouldn’t this cost a fortune and wouldn’t it be exactly what we could call a police state?

  2. (3) A video of Obama mentioning his national civilian security force. I have no idea about this one, but what are Obama’s intentions with it?

    One problem is that we have laws against using the U.S. military inside the U.S. to enforce laws. They can be used to clean up after emergencies, or the Corps of Engineers can build levees and dams. But for fighting terrorism, we have no military equivalent inside the U.S.

    I gather Obama’s talking about beefing up security spending inside the U.S., probably through Homeland Security.

    I’m not sure why anyone would have much problem with that. Bush kept spending more money, but somehow he kept using it to hunt down Mexicans trying to get jobs cutting meat or mowing lawns. I gather Obama wants to work on stopping terrorists instead.

    Here are a couple of articles discussing it…



    ACORN with guns? Anyone have anything to shed light on this?

    I see a problem in understanding now. This directive applies to U.S. forces fighting or working overseas. We have no foreign operations inside the U.S., and it’s against current law to use the military for such work inside the territory of the U.S. There is no proposal to do any fighting inside the U.S. that I know of. Are you privy to the invasion plans of a foreign army that might make you think the military might need this stuff inside the U.S.?

    Short of Rick Perry’s leading a secession of Texas, I can’t think of how this directive could reasonably be applied to anything but a foreign operation like Afghanistan or Iraq, as it was intended.

    The legislation referred to is the expansion of domestic volunteers to go teach in schools, help out at playgrounds, help shut-ins, and do other services that VISTA used to do. It’s like a domestic Peace Corps. H.R. 1388 is now Public Law No 111-13, The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act. Here’s the text of the law:

    If you find anything in that act that scares you, call your physician and ask for a check up: Your paranoia is causing hallucinations.

  3. (2) Article that talks about the report. Two things to note in it. The director of the Ethics Commission said that he knows of no campaign law that applies, and (ending the article) the quoted response of Missouri Governor Matt Blunt (awesome statement about the “truth squads”).


    American Thinker regularly distorts the facts, and they would probably be hard hit were one of these “truth squads” to bother with them — no wonder they squawk.

    But this is the same story as above, intentionally misunderstood by American Thinker — or maybe American Thinker doesn’t understand American politics and the first Amendment. It’s clear that they don’t understand campaign law when they start asking local agencies about federal campaign laws (they should be asking the FEC).

    So, you have a poorly reported, largely erroneous story — that’s not Obama’s fault.

    It’s the same story. A group of Democrats is on the watch for people who make false charges, for example someone who pulls a classic Karl Rove maneuver and puts out flyers claiming Obama follows Islam.

    I doubt it was the first time, but there were “truth squads” out in force in the 1948 Congressional and presidential campaigns. Officials (like the prosecutors and sheriffs) who followed candidates around and tried to get reporters to ask them about the mistakes the opposing candidate made in a stump speech.

    This is called “American politics” and there’s still nothing to worry about here. The First Amendment protects truth tellers.

    There’s no threat of prosecution, again, unless one plans to violate federal campaign laws. Those laws are designed to keep campaigns fair. I seen nothing to worry about.

  4. (1) News station video of the “Barack Obama Truth Squad” in Missouri. Political campaigns on both sides have always presented half truths and misleading information. That’s politics. If prosecutors are so concerned about “truth” in political campaign ads, why would they only be going after one party? Prosecutors represent everyone in the community, so if they were to do such a thing (which they shouldn’t), it should at very least be done for ALL candidates.


    Some Democratic Party supporters of Obama, in the last days of the campaign, promised to respond to false claims made by others. That’s a good exercise of First Amendment rights, offering the facts when others try to hide them.

    There is no suggestion that anyone would be prosecuted, except for the soft-money organizations who might try to break the federal law (and since these are local prosecutors, they’d have no power to bring charges, only file complaints).

    What is your concern? Any citizen can do the same? This is called “American politics,” and it’s healthy.

  5. Stop skirting the issue and answer kong99’s question, which was, if my failing memory serves me right, was:

    What does Obama need a million strong street army?

    I really would like to hear you answer this without wriggling off the hook.

  6. Here are some links to show that I’m not making up my previous comments.

    (1) News station video of the “Barack Obama Truth Squad” in Missouri. Political campaigns on both sides have always presented half truths and misleading information. That’s politics. If prosecutors are so concerned about “truth” in political campaign ads, why would they only be going after one party? Prosecutors represent everyone in the community, so if they were to do such a thing (which they shouldn’t), it should at very least be done for ALL candidates.


    (2) Article that talks about the report. Two things to note in it. The director of the Ethics Commission said that he knows of no campaign law that applies, and (ending the article) the quoted response of Missouri Governor Matt Blunt (awesome statement about the “truth squads”).


    (3) A video of Obama mentioning his national civilian security force. I have no idea about this one, but what are Obama’s intentions with it?

    Here are a couple of articles discussing it…



    ACORN with guns? Anyone have anything to shed light on this?

  7. I’d love to do research into your wild, tinfoil hat claims — but you offer not an iota of documentation to tell us where to find the facts to back ’em up.

    So, I do my own research, and this is what I find.

    You said:

    Gardasil is a toxic carsogenic, that’s fact and not paranoia.

    I read the FDA’s report on Gardasil. It’s not carcinogenic. Whoever told you that sold you a real bill of goods. The facts are readily available — got Google?

    If you have evidence that Gardasil is carcinogenic, post it. Please stop pulling claims out of thin air.

    As for the concentration camps being FEMA help centers, pull the other one.

    Got any corroboration? Any documentation? Take off the tinfoil hat for a moment and cool down — I think you’ll see things differently.

    Culling the human race against the UN Charter?

    I gave you the link — why don’t you read the facts instead of repeating falsehoods?

    “A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.”
    – United Nations,
    Global Biodiversity Assessment

    I dare you to provide a link that goes to a UN document with such a statement. I call male bovine excrement.

    If you want the facts, you can start here:

    Key goals include “sharing information.” Whoa!

    Your paranoia is wholly unfounded.

    “… the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence
    more than 500 million but less than one billion.”
    – Club of Rome, premier UN think tank.
    Goals for Mankind

    The Club of Rome has never been affiliated with the UN. Shame on you for trying to confuse people.

    Moreover, I doubt that the Club of Rome ever issued such a statement.

    Got any real information, or is all of this stuff printed on tinfoil?

    “One America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population,we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.”
    – Jacques Cousteau,
    UNESCO Courier

    Bovine excrement. Here are the UNESCO Courier archives going back to 1996. Show us the quote, please. I dare you.

    “My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world.”
    -Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!

    Dave Foreman doesn’t speak for the UN. Dave Foreman’s group often spouts foolishness. I doubt Foreman ever said such a thing, and you can’t provide a link to show he did, nor a citation to any serious publication.

    So I’ll call your bluff. Dave Foreman didn’t say that, even though he’s a bit crazy on the green side. You’re making this stuff up, proving little other than the Browns are crazier than the craziest greens. (See here: http://www.earthfirst.org/ )

    Ed, might it be an idea to some research into my statements, before refuting them?

    They’re easy to refute without research, they’re so wacky. Maybe you should do some research and try to verify wild and wacky claims before you post them. They’re self-refuting as they stand.

    Seriously, got any documentation of any kind? Any documentation?

  8. Gardasil is a toxic carsogenic, that’s fact and not paranoia.

    As for the concentration camps being FEMA help centers, pull the other one.

    Culling the human race against the UN Charter?

    “A reasonable estimate for an ndustrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.”
    – United Nations,
    Global Biodiversity Assessment

    “… the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence
    more than 500 million but less than one billion.”
    – Club of Rome, premier UN think tank.
    Goals for Mankind

    “One America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population,we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.”
    – Jacques Cousteau,
    UNESCO Courier

    “My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world.”
    -Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!

    Ed, might it be an idea to some research into my statements, before refuting them?

  9. OK, part of that million man army was off. I asked a friend of mine who saw the video of Obama saying it. What he actually said was he wanted a STREET army just as large and just as well funded as our military. NOT an expansion to our current military.

    As far as the Missouri prosecutors, it’s true. I saw the video of the news report. I also saw the reaction of the Governor of Missouri and he was outraged. There is an official transcript of his reaction. I will find all of this and leave links. One for the governer’s reaction of the news report, one of the report, and one of the video of Obama wanting the massive street army.

    I have to go to bed because I have to work in the morning. I’ll try to get it and put the links on here by tomorrow night.

  10. In Missouri during the primaries, he teamed up with the prosecutors and wanted anyone who said something inaccurate about him to be arrested.

    Balderdash. You have an overactive, if vicious, imagination. No law enforcement official would step into such a fight. There’s no law in the U.S. to allow it — at least, if the PATRIOT Act is not as bad as Obama said it was. But you’d never admit Bush created such a beast.

    So you’re bluffing. This is tinfoil hat stuff. Didn’t happen.

    Of course, Obama would be the one to determine what is inaccurate.

    You’re confusing things. That was the common law on blasphemy, in Virginia, in 1776. Mason and Jefferson changed it. It’s not come back.

    In politics, very little is black and white, and they put spin on everything they do. You don’t arrest someone with differing political views or for pointing things out that you don’t like. If you think that’s good behavior, maybe you should move to Venezuala.

    No one in Missouri was arrested — and I’ll call your bluff. There never was such a proposal. Period.

    Since you jumped in and bashed my comment, why don’t you explain to me what the million man army would be for? Obama has said it twice, and he never explained it.

    What million man army? Since Reagan unilaterally disarmed the military, we’ve not been up to that strength. Soldiers, commanders and diplomates pleaded with Bush to expand our military to a million, but Rumsfeld refused. The policy hasn’t been changed even now, largely because we don’t have the money (Bushonomics strikes a blow for terrorists once again).

    Has someone recently said we need a million people in uniform? Where? It’s not in the budget.

    I really have no idea, so fill me in. For you to say that I am paranoid because of a comment Obama made that would be a massive change in our system with no explanation….is off base.

    I don’t know why you’re paranoid. I can’t explain it. You’re obviously fearful of some military expansion, though I can’t imagine why. We’re engaged in two wars and our military people are exhausted. They need help.

    Why wouldn’t you, or anyone else, support getting them some help?

    Go ahead, explain it to me. I’m listening.

    I Googled “million man army” and found nothing. Do you have any information on this proposal? Can you explain what it is that’s making you fearful? I’m not you. I can’t explain it.

  11. Ed Darrell said:

    “What does Obama have to do with this? Y’all make paranoid sound like normal.”

    about my comment on Obama’s million man army he wants to create.

    Obama has given us a lot of reasons to worry, and it’s not paranoia. His behavior has been very radical compared to any other President in history, and his radical comments tell us what kind of man he is.

    In Missouri during the primaries, he teamed up with the prosecutors and wanted anyone who said something inaccurate about him to be arrested. Of course, Obama would be the one to determine what is inaccurate. In politics, very little is black and white, and they put spin on everything they do. You don’t arrest someone with differing political views or for pointing things out that you don’t like. If you think that’s good behavior, maybe you should move to Venezuala.

    Since you jumped in and bashed my comment, why don’t you explain to me what the million man army would be for? Obama has said it twice, and he never explained it. I really have no idea, so fill me in. For you to say that I am paranoid because of a comment Obama made that would be a massive change in our system with no explanation….is off base.

    Go ahead, explain it to me. I’m listening.

  12. Why should America have 28 secret concentration camps?

    America shouldn’t, and doesn’t. FEMA put up some emergency help centers in the Bush administration. If you don’t want federal help, take a Sharpie and write your Social Security number on both of your arms when the tornado/hurricane/flood/blizzard/earthquake comes, so we can identify your body. Then your body will be taken to one of those 28 centers so your loved ones can retrieve it. They will be given food and shelter, if food and shelter cannot be provided closer to home.

    Why do the Georgia Stones, state an optimum of 500 million total world population, in line with the UN’s stated aim of culling the human population to between 1 – 2 billion people?

    The UN has no “stated aim” to “cull” human population, ever. It’s against the UN Charter. Have you read that document?

    Why is America sterilising young girls young females with Gardasil, a triple toxine, posturing as protection against cervical cancer?

    They’re only sterilizing conservative young women who refuse the vaccine and get cervical cancer. 4 out of every 5 women will have one of the viruses Gardasil protects against by the time she’s 50. Only those women who get cervical cancer while still young enough to bear children are considered for sterilization — and then it’s up the private physician of the woman and herself, though a cervix extraction can leave a woman with a permanently “incompetent cervix” which require bedrest for about 7 of the 9 months of pregnancy. The numbers are insignificant.

    Failure to get Gardasil leads to psychopathologies, however. Already it’s made a significant number of people crazy.

  13. kong99’s question on Obama’s million man street army, should set global alarm bells ringing.

    Why should America have 28 secret concentration camps?

    Why do the Georgia Stones, state an optimum of 500 million total world population, in line with the UN’s stated aim of culling the human population to between 1 – 2 billion people?

    Why is America sterilising young girls young females with Gardasil, a triple toxine, posturing as protection against cervical cancer?

    Good question, kong99, good to know that some people can still think for themselves.

  14. When I said that everything is payed for by the shrinking working class, I was referring to the private business sector. Government jobs don’t pay for themselves, they are funded by outside private sector jobs. The more government jobs and less private sector jobs, the harder it is to sustain without going to socialism….which also can’t be sustained.

  15. Recycling hasn’t hit here yet, but I’m sure it’s coming. At my company they are starting to willingly recycle without being forced (to cut costs for the upcoming green laws).

    I asked the owner of my company how he was planning on handling the upcoming “cap and trade” laws, and he went on a twenty minute rant. He was pissed, and he mentioned a whole lot of other things that he hated about our new POTUS. He kept adding “I don’t want to get political and make anyone mad”, but he did…over and over. Businesses HATE Obama (except for Al Gore’s CO2 credits company, they’re going to be billionaires).

  16. I want to reply to everyone, lol. Just wait until Obama gets his wanted million man street army. He said he wants them just as well armed and just as well funded as our military. Hmmm…what would he need an army like that for when we already have military, police forces everywhere, SWAT teams, and etc. THOUGHT POLICE (I’ll bet)!!!!

  17. Why not? All the decent people are moving out because all the trash is moving in. San Francisco is scumbag heaven.

  18. I never liked Obama, but I always thought he was just going to push socialism. I never expected him to be a fascist….but he is. Look at what he’s doing to the car industry and the banking industry. He’s bossing them around because they got bailout money. A lot of them tried to pay it back because they didn’t know he was a fascist, either, and wanted to get out of his control. He wouldn’t let them do it. Why would he do that? Because he’s a fascist.

  19. I see what you’re saying, but mowing your lawn would also be classified as slave labor by your definition. If you don’t mow your lawn they will mow it for you, charge an excessive amount, and probably fine you to finish it off.

    Personally, if we have to do it I’d assume doing it ourselves instead of letting the government provide it’s own labor to do it. The government doesn’t pay for it’s labor, we do. There are already too many government jobs, and there will be a lot more before the libs are done….none of which will be payed for by the government. All of it will be payed by the shrinking working class. Eventually it will all collapse, which is what the leftists want anyway so they can install socialism and control the people.

  20. What would you expect from a city that accepts the homeless masturbating and defecating in public?

  21. Over here in the UK we have draconian laws on recycling, but here’s a thought that may help you to combat the recycling fascists.

    All domestic recycling measures are aimed at forcing the taxpayer to labour(sort rubbish) against their will, without pay and with threats of punishment for non compliance by the public servants who we pay to do it.

    Isn’t that slavery or servitude? Abolished by congress and internationally outlawed under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

    When I challenged our council they came back with the trite reply, ‘We do not punish people for not recycling but for contaminating a recycling container.’

    If governments want to recycle they are free to do so but they nust do so using their own labour.

    No freeman can be made to labour against their will. (barring convicts as part of their punishment)

    Simply refuse to use the recycling containers and throw everthing in the trash bin. Recycling is not green, most of it gets thrown or incinerated, only the profitable waste is SOLD for recycling and I would bet a million dollars, that the money earned is never used to benefit the taxpayers, but to pay the enforcers of the recycling police.

    Will you Americans really allow the ‘land of the free’, to turn you into slaves of the state?

  22. Are they going to go picking through the garbage bags to find out if you’re not violating the law?

    (Here we’re not even guaranteed the garbage collector will pick up lawn, garden, or tree debri and it comprises most of my trash.)

    On a more humorous note, one has to wonder with all the recycling required, if we’re not going to have any fossils for our descendants to find.
    I also keep waiting for the greenies to get so concerned about the environment that clothes off the rack will become so “environmentally friendly” they will start decomposing the minute you put them on. (Bring back polyester; it’s recyclable and it never wears out!)

  23. We have shot ourselves in the foot by, not with my vote, electing a typical “dumbocrat” machine mayor here in Omaha. But we have a rational recycling system already up and running and it has worked well for us for years. I do not think the complete politician and zip statesman will do anything to upset the apple cart. The city has already bought him some kind of “green” car (yes, he to is a useful idiot) and the expenses of buying and running have been exposed. This already has his hu-has in the meat grinder. Omaha is not San Francisco, THANK GOD!!!

    And I agree: GREEN = FASCISM!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. In our little town it was found that recycling was bad for the dump, the trash would not compost and settle right so they stopped recycling . they still pick up recycled items but they don’t insist on it . the mix at the dump suffered so much that the trash would not compost and rot . Maybe that will help stink up California a little more , I understand that the thought police out there have been smelly lately.

  25. The Bolshevik Newsome can kiss my ass and die. Revolution!!!!!!

    Not in my town. I will keep trash on my property until the very minute the trash truck comes and I will be armed with an AK47. No recycle cops on my property. Everything in black bags and a trip to the dump. I will cancel trash pickup. Whatever it takes to stop green Fascism.

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