Obama climate czar deja vu: Browner no stranger to law-breaking?

Obama climate czar Carol Browner, accused by House Republicans last week of deliberately violating the Presidential Records Act, seems to be no stranger to abusing, possibly illegally, her government power.

In 1995 when House Republicans were pushing their “Contract With America” legislative proposals, Rep. David McIntosh (R-IN) accused then-EPA Administrator Browner of…

… breaking the law by sending out fact sheets and news releases on the bill, which is part of the Republicans’ Contract With America…

… according to the New York Times.

Federal agencies are barred by the Hatch Act from lobbying Congress on their own behalf.

The Times article laughed off the accusations since

… the law is rarely enforced…

… which is what you’d expect when the law-breakers and law-enforcers are part of the same administration.

2 thoughts on “Obama climate czar deja vu: Browner no stranger to law-breaking?”

  1. Not to disagree (or justify any crimes) that the Democrats have broken the law in the past, but aren’t the Republicans guilty of their own crimes? The Law Enforcers and the Law Breakers have *always* been in the same administration.

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