Climate change you can believe in…

Ahead of the release of the US Global Change Research Program‘s new study, Thomas R. Karl, director of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center told the New York Times,

“[Climate change is] not just happening in the Arctic regions, but it’s beginning to show up in our backyards.”

Indeed it is. Tomorrow’s forecast for my backyard in Potomac, MD is a high of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The average high for June is 85 degrees.

Hey, maybe the Kyoto Protocol is working after all?

NOAA's Thomas Karl forecasts climate change you can believe in...
NOAA's Thomas Karl forecasts climate change you can believe in...
... and today's weahther map bears him out... OK, so the change is in a different direction... details... details...
... and today's weahther map bears him out... OK, so the change is in a different direction... details... details...

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