Buffet: Waxman-Markey a consumer rip-off

Carbon Control News reports that in a June 9 hearing before the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee,

[David Sokol, the chairman of Warren Buffet’s utility subsidiary MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company, said] utilities, and by extension consumers, will be charged twice under the trading provisions of the legislation, “first to pay for emission allowances, which will not reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one ounce, and then for the construction of new low- and zero-carbon power plants and other actions that will actually do the job of reducing these emissions… This bill will cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and we think it is wrong to saddle customers with these unnecessary and duplicative costs that provide them with absolutely no benefits.”

4 thoughts on “Buffet: Waxman-Markey a consumer rip-off”

  1. Buffet eh? He was a big backer of His Wholly Reluctance.
    “You mean he was really telling the truth about all that communist stuff he said??? Oooops.” This is about as big as buyer’s remorse gets.

  2. Make slaves of everyone in the USA by running up the debt so high it can never be repayed. Reparations in reverse.

  3. “we think it is wrong to saddle customers with these unnecessary and duplicative costs that provide them with absolutely no benefits”

    Well, yes. Is not the purpose of that gang of madmen and thieves that now are in control to finally bankrupt the USA to do just that? Pretty soon, the sane people who are left will all be in the loony bins, in an effort to protect themselves from the maniacs outside. It will be a nice try, but in the end, even that will probably fail too.

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