Disinfecting the anti-bacteria debate

By Steven Milloy
July 27, 2000, Washington Times

Are we too clean? Should we make homes safer for germs? That is the message you’ll get from today’s National Health Council conference, “Antibiotic Resistance: A Serious Public Health Threat.” But there is more to this message than its messenger will disclose. Continue reading Disinfecting the anti-bacteria debate

A Scoop of Debunkey Monkey, Please

By Steven Milloy
July 8, 2000, FoxNews.com

The Environmental Protection Agency says the much-ballyhooed environmental contaminant dioxin is 10 times more dangerous than previously thought. Environmental activists already have begun a food scare campaign centered on dioxin. But amidst this eco-terrorism, the long-running and costly health scare over the dreaded dioxin is finally debunked — courtesy of ice cream maker, Ben & Jerry’s. Continue reading A Scoop of Debunkey Monkey, Please